Nuria Rodríguez-Ortega is Professor of Digital Culture and Digital Art History at the University of Málaga. She founded the iArtHIs_Lab research group, which she has directed since 2013. She is also the president of the International Society of Humanidades Digitales Hispánicas. She is involved in numerous projects related to Digital Art History.

Bárbara Romero Ferrón is Data Consultant and Digital Humanities Specialist at Utrecht University Library, in the Netherlands. She is a PhD candidate at Western University, Canada. She is a researcher at iArtHisLab (University of Málaga) and CulturePlex Lab (Western University). Her research focuses on exhibition studies, graph theory, knowledge graphs and cultural evolution.

Leonardo Impett is Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities at the University of Cambridge. He was previously Assistant Professor in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence and Human Systems Group) at Durham University. His work looks at the intersections between computer vision and visual culture, including in digital art history and critical AI studies. He has previously worked with/at the Cambridge Computer Lab’s Rainbow Group, Microsoft Research, EPFL, Villa I Tatti, the Bibliotheca Hertziana, and the Liverpool Biennial.

Edward Anderson is a software developer at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam (Netherlands), co-chair of the CIDOC 2024 programme committee, and a member of the Linked Art editorial board. He’s currently building a knowledge graph for Dutch art and history: a new semantic data platform which consolidates and disseminates information about the museum’s collection, library and archive. Edward’s background is in film archiving and digital preservation; he was previously curator at the British Film Institute where he coded the first implementation of Britain on Film.

Iacopo Neri serves as scientific collaborator for the Center for Digital Visual Studies (Max Planck – University of Zurich) and Computational Lead at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia – IAAC. With a research at the intersection of design, computer science, and the humanities, he has been involved in teaching activities since 2015 at the University of Florence, the Polytechnic University of Milan, the Ecole des Ponts – ParisTech, the Harbin Institute of Technology, and at IAAC. Engaged in both theoretical and applied research, he is passionate about the implications of machine learning for cultural and social studies and has been a lecturer at institutions including AA, UCL Bartlett, Imperial College in London, and more.

Eryk Salvaggio  is a researcher and artist critically examining generative artificial intelligence. His work explores the archives that shape AI images, sound, and video, and rethinks the role of the archive in the generative AI era. A blend of hacker, policy researcher, designer and artist, he was a 2024 Flickr Foundation Fellow and has been published in academic journals such as LEONARDO, Patterns, and Communications of the ACM, has spoken at music and film festivals such as SXSW, and presented guest lectures and talks at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image, the University of Cambridge, the Australian National University, NYU, MIT, and Loyola University. He teaches at the Responsible AI Masters Program at Elisava Barcelona and at the Interactive Media department of the Rochester Institute of Technology

Academic Director:
Nuria Rodríguez-Ortega (UMA)

Associate Director:
Bárbara Romero Ferrón (UU, UWO)