DAHSS24 Participants

Adriana Janssens
University of Malaga

Alessia Silvi
Sapienza University of Rome

Ana Velhinho
University of Aveiro

Antonio Labella Martínez
Complutense University & University of Malaga

Caterina Corsi
Independent Researcher

Daniel Orizaga Doguim
University of British Columbia

David Wrisley
NYU Abu Dhabi

Fernando Muñoz Martín
Independent Researcher

Gabriela Manista
Polish Academy of Science

Giorgio Busi Rizzi
Ghent University

Javier Pantoja Museo
Nacional del Prado / Pompeu Fabra University

Lukas Pilka
Academy of sciences of the Czech republic

Marcela Isuster
McGill University

Marta Świetlik

Melissa Diago

Miguel Jesús Sáez Rodríguez
University of Malaga

Nelson Brito
University of Coimbra

Qiuzi Guo
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Sami Itavuori
London South Bank University (CSNI), Royal College of Art and Tate Gallery

Sayan Bhattacharyya
Yale University

Sofía López

Susan Jarosi
Hamilton College

Tsz Kin (Raphael)
Chau Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne

Víctor Manuel Ruiz Aguilar
Independent Researcher